Politely Refusing Tips

Have you ever googled something like, “What percentage to tip fill in the blank service?” I sure have!  Sometimes you get a great haircut or pedicure and then feel nervous or worried about the tipping part.  Should I offer them the money directly or hand it to the manager? Will they get the money if I don’t hand it directly to them?  Should I tip or not? What if they own the business themselves? 

I love clarity:  In my communication, in my friendships and in my work.  

I know it seems weird to folks when I tell them I don’t accept tips.  The reasoning behind my decision is really quite simple.  I don’t need them.  I own my own business and set the prices so I can make a fair wage for the work I’m offering.  

I want you to incorporate massages into your life and if you’re breaking the bank to access those massages, there’s a good chance you won’t schedule as often as you would like. 

Just know that if I’m your massage therapist, you never have to worry about googling tipping procedures.  It’s simple.  No tips accepted! If you’d like to schedule your next massage with me and not have to think about or talk about tips, click here.