It’s Hard to Wait.

Greetings, community!

I’ve been cocooned for the last 70-something days with my family riding out this uncertain time of COVID-19. I miss working with you. I had just psyched myself up in March to leave the baby and transition back to work when this virus made it crystal clear that I had to shut it down once again But I think about you all of the time and hope that you are making safe choices and staying well.

As we begin to get more guidance from Governor Baker about when different industries are allowed to reopen, I’m feeling clearer about when it might be safe to reopen and I’ve got to say— it won’t be soon. Despite Governor Baker placing massage therapy in Phase 2, I know that’s too soon to safely and effectively slow the spread of COVID-19. No benefit you could receive from massage would outweigh the risk of sharing space right now. No amount of sanitizing, cleaning, changing clothes, wearing PPE would keep either of us as safe as just staying home will.

Additionally, we are learning that otherwise asymptomatic people are presenting with blood clots which usually can be screened and proper precautions can be taken. Now, since we don’t have a way to test each client for COVID, we have no way of knowing who might have these blood clots and who doesn’t. There just hasn’t been enough time to know how this virus is affecting the body.

Respected massage therapist, pathologist, and educator Ruth Werner said:

“What is your plan to deal with COVID- associated uncontrolled blood clotting complications? Note: These patients may have no fever, no cough, and no other obvious symptoms—except deep muscle aches. Maybe like the kind that might prompt them to seek massage.”

The truth is there is so much we don’t know about COVID-19 and how it affects the body. However, what we do know so far is this virus is extremely contagious, the time between exposure and symptoms can be up to 14 days, and there’s no way to know who has the virus and who doesn’t. Until I know how I can offer you massage sustainably and safely, I will remain closed.

Until then, I’ll take it one day and sometimes one moment at a time. I’ll get in those extra kid and baby snuggles while I can. I’ll keep the hope bright that we’ll make it through this with more resiliency, clarity and presence than ever before.

Shawna Stern