September Price Boost

I hope you’re having a peaceful summer! Come September, my prices will increase by about $10. It’s been four years since I’ve increased my prices and it’s time. These prices will be reflected in both individual sessions and discounted package pricing. Folks who buy a discounted package before September get the old price!

We are busy, stressed and anxious people.  We tend to overschedule ourselves and our families in an effort to do it all, learn it all, be it all.  Massage offers us a break from the chaos.  It offers a moment to hit the pause button and gain clarity on not just how we’re feeling in our bodies, but what’s happening in our life. 

Once we get some space with compassionate care and attention baked in, we tend to make mindful choices that can lead to powerful, positive changes in our world. 

What you gain from a $90 massage: 

Focused attention

I am often quiet during my work because that’s just it– I’m focused on the work.  I’m tuned in to your breath and what your body is telling me.  I’m not thinking about the laundry that needs doing or the errands on my list because I know you can feel if my attention is divided.  You want me to focus on your low back and feet for the entire session?  Cool! You’re needing some support under your head but a pillow feels like too much? I’ll figure it out!  Table warm, table cool, lights low, music funky? I’m here for you and your unique preferences.    

Compassionate Care

I genuinely care about what you're going through.  I care if you’re completely out straight at school during finals week. I care if you just had a baby and are feeling out of touch with yourself and your needs.  I care if you’re going through a transition and are learning to integrate new body changes. I care if you are tending to an injury that doesn’t have a clear solution from your doctor or physical therapist.  I care if you’re a nurse working twelve hour shifts on your feet.  Your unique story is what I’m here for.  Your unique story is what contributes to the map of your body and its needs. 

Respect for all bodies 

I do not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, body shape or age.  We make a plan ahead of time so you know what to expect with your massage. If my plan for the work changes, I check-in about that before moving forward. I practice trauma-informed, safe touch.


I will always be honest with you as we work together. I’ll use what I know from my education and life to help in the ways that are responsible and ethical and stay within my scope of practice. This means I’ll also be honest if I don’t know the answer to something!

Pricing Clarity 

I do not accept tips.  When you book online or in person, you will know exactly how much you’re paying for your massage. Your massage time begins when your session time starts.  If you’re late to your appointment, I may have to alter your massage time to keep the rest of my clients that day on schedule. 

High Quality Massage Products 

It matters to me that the products I’m using on your skin are actually good for you!  I use products from Purepro (right outta Greenfield, MA!) and The Jojoba Company.  I know many massage therapists who choose the cheapest oils, focusing only on the bottom line.  That’s not me.  After all, my hands are in the stuff multiple days a week!  I even use jojoba on my own children’s eczema.  If I’d use it on them, you can bet it’s safe for you.  The beauty of jojoba is that it’s not even an oil.  It’s a wax-ester, which is the closest thing to the oils our bodies naturally excrete. It’s hypoallergenic and won’t clog your pores. 


Cleanliness and tidiness are extremely important to me.  My sheets are always clean for every single client.  I wash blankets after every shift as well. I have clients happily and peacefully exclaim all of the time, “Ooooh! These sheets smell SO good!” 

Support a Small Local Business 

It’s just me.  A small business owner.  Not a big company or chain.  CLINIC: Alternative Medicines functions similarly to a Co-op in that we share space but we all have our own individual, small businesses.  Just a massage therapist, paying her rent, staying updated on licenses and paying taxes, working hard to help you feel better in your body.  When you pay $90 for a massage, you can bet your money is staying local in Western MA.

Shawna Stern