Reframing Balance

I think a lot about the idea of balance. What does it mean to live a balanced life? Is that even possible as we juggle and sometimes drop it all? There’s a notion that balance is something to be achieved and held. But the truth is, we’re all teetering and tottering on the fallen log of life.

Little kids LOVE to challenge themselves with balancing feats. Can I hold it and for how long? After I fall, can I beat my record? The falling is a given, not an experience to shame. Yet, somewhere along the way our wise response of laughing at life’s hardships and forging ahead anyway gets lost.

In this New Year, I challenge us all to think a little more about balance. When we have it, notice it. Think to yourself, “Wow. Things really feel good for me in this moment. What have I actively done to participate in making this happen?

When we’re teetering, swinging far in one direction, notice that too. “Wow. I’m feeling imbalanced. It won’t always feel this way, but it does now. What can I actively do right now to help myself?

My hope for us all is that in 2019 we can notice the peace, notice the imperfections, and have compassion for and patience with all of it. Happy New Year, friends.